Meet our Staff

Janet Wells, Manager
Janet Wells, Manager
Eleanor Boa, Practitioner
Pauline Bruce, Support worker
Pauline Bruce, Support worker
Angie Kennedy, Domestic
Angie Kennedy, Domestic
Maureen Paterson, Support Worker

All staff:

  • are fully qualified and experienced
  • have full Enhanced PVG Checks in line with Care Inspectorate requirements
  • are registered with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC), the regulatory body for the childcare workforce
  • receive First Aid training
  • are committed to updating their child care skills on an ongoing basis.

For any enquiries or for more information, do not hesitate to contact us on 01683 220 460,  or pop in to Small ‘n’ Tall (Mon – Fri, 8:00 – 18:00hrs).


Who we are and what we do:

Moffat Childcare is based in Moffat and dedicated to the provision of daycare, out of school and sessional care, nursery, play and early years’ education for children from its local area, from birth up to the age of sixteen.  It is a registered Scottish charity and Company Limited by Guarantee.

We are known locally by the name “Small ‘n’ Tall” and associated mission “Care for All”. Our childcare facilities are in the centre of the town providing a focal point for parents and carers, particularly for those of the youngest children in Moffat.

We have a home from home working atmosphere. Our services are delivered in line with current best practice in childcare; and they rest on the belief expressed in Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states that

“Play is an essential part of every child’s life and vital for their development”

Our aims are an expression of our values and they point towards those aspects of play, rights, education, development and care that we consider to be most important for all children, and that we embody in our work, within our community.

Moffat Childcare aims:

  • To provide a safe and stimulating environment in which children can feel safe and secure
  • To support the welfare of children in our care
  • To encourage the social, physical, creative and intellectual development of children
  • To create opportunities through play
  • To provide opportunities to stimulate interest and imagination
  • To encourage children to explore, appreciate and respect their environment
  • To extend children’s abilities to communicate ideas and feelings in a variety of ways
  • To encourage positive attitudes towards self and others, by developing children’s confidence and self esteem
  • To provide high quality childcare at an affordable cost
  • To deliver our services through experienced and well trained staff
  • To make our services accessible and available for single parents, low-income families and children with additional support needs
  • To work in partnership with Dumfries and Galloway Council’s approved brokerage scheme